Länder / Countries

If you are not ordering from Germany, you may want to check if there is a store in your country that carries IQ Dogsport. Shipping from Germany may turn out to be more costly than purchasing directly in your country. If you are from the UK, we highly recommend you contact our partner at info@k9store.co.uk. Currently we do not ship directly to the UK, since UK customs may add to additional fees to orders coming from Germany which we cannot influence. Products that you buy at K9 Store UK that ship within the UK are bought at your final cost.

Premium dealers

www.hundesport-kallinger.at IQ Dogsport Österreich
Gernot Kallinger
Neustiftgasse 14
7322 Lackenbach

www.cyno-pro.com Cyno-Pro
Fabrice Braun
4 Rue Industrielle
67310 Wasselonne
Great Britain

www.k9store.co.uk Essex Dog Trainer
Alex Cooper
13 Hatchfields
CM3 1AJ Chelmsford


www.sporthundefutter.ch Aleadon
Marion und Bruno Fluri
Vorsingerweg 3
9465 Salez

www.hermsprengerusa.com Herm. Sprenger USA43 Everts Avenue
Queensbury, NY 12804

Our dealers

Austria www.dogsworld.at Dogsworld GmbH Veldnerstrasse 55
A-4120 Neufelden
Australia www.prok9supplies.com Pro K9 Supplies
137 Bennett Rd, Londonderry New
South Wales 2753
China www.shop261895340.taobao.com 261895340 Taobao
No. 99 Shuyuan Road
215411 Taicang City
Czech Republic www.pro-dogs.cz Pro-Dogs
Zahradní, 481

35733 Loket


www.fairmoors.dk Fairmoors
Allingskovgårdsvej 19
8600 Silkeborg
Denmark www.K9plus.dk K9 PlusDamager 18
8920 Randers NV
Finland www.dogtrail.fi DogTrail OyHögberginhaara 5

04360 Tuusula


ModogoUnit 45a Briarhill Business Park
Ballybrit Galway H91 C971
Italy www.thekill.it The Kill Srl
Via Rosselli 17 
21018 Sesto Calende VA
New Zeland www.facebook.com/elitesportdog Elite Sport Dog
1422 Owairaka Valley Road
RD7 Te Awamutu 3877
Norway www.k9-norway.no K9 Norway
Asperholen 4
4329 Sandnes
Poland www.ipo-sklep.pl Glogosia FHU Piotr Pawlak
Ul. Chopina 2

62-030 Lubon
Portugal www.plusk9.com Plus K9
Rua da Serra Nº 218

4775-078 Barcelos
Romania www.edog.com.ro Edog Kalypsoland S.R.L
str. 338 , nr. 4
Singapore www.k9academy.sg K9 Academy (S) PTE LTD
110 Turf Club Road
288000 Gallopaws
South Korea   Pet Eunoia
Docheok-ro, Myon 1105-3
12819 Gwangju, Gyeonggi
Spain www.prodog.com Prodog Sport
Rambla Penyafel nº9
Santa Margarida i els monjos
08730 Barcelona
Turkey www.bobyland.com.tr Bobyland
Istikbal caddesi no:80
Güzelbahçe / İzmir
35000 Izmir
USA www.mojodogco.com Mojo Dog Co
4108 N Rockwell
60618 Chicago
USA www.packofpawsdogtraining.com Pack Of Paws Dog Training
26 Trolley Crossing Rd
01507 Charlton, MA